
Penina Boros

Student Mentor

“I am so excited to be a presence of love to the community of St. Ambrose and to build upon what has already been cultivated here at this wonderful school, running with each student and staff member to the deepest part of our Lord’s Sacred Heart.”

In addition to leading four Beloved women’s small groups at St. Ambrose Academy, Penina Boros also serves as Student Mentor. Penina’s love for the Catholic Faith began in earnest during high school, after attending a Steubenville Conference and falling more in love with the Lord.

Returning home, she became involved at her parish youth group and served on the leadership team before leaving for college. Seeking out a strong Catholic community after graduating, she became involved at St. Paul’s Catholic Center while earning a degree in Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies at UW-Madison. She is currently pursuing a masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Divine Mercy University.

In her role as student mentor and leader of the four Beloved small groups at St. Ambrose, part of Penina’s goal is to be present to students when they need someone to talk to, when they need help, and to walk with them in whatever ways they need. Penina will be available for students to meet with one-on-one during the school day as well as in a group setting during the Beloved groups. These optional groups, one for 6th graders, one for 7th-8th graders, one for 9th-10th graders, and one for 11th-12th graders, meet weekly to discuss Scripture or another meditation, pray together, and encourage one another in the faith.

Outside of her full-time graduate studies and roles at St. Ambrose Academy, Penina is a woman of many interests and talents! Penina, whose name means Pearl in Hebrew, is taking Hebrew lessons, a pursuit that connects her to her Jewish heritage. Whether it’s playing guitar, clarinet, or piano, dreaming up new pasta sauces in the kitchen, or being outdoors hiking, swimming, and horseback riding, she is always on the move. We thrilled to have her zeal for life, compassion, and heart for sharing the Faith at St. Ambrose Academy!