Chapter 2: Functions and Relations
- graphs of equations with two variables
- graphs of functions
- functions and relations
Chapter 3: Linear Functions
- properties of linear functions
- graphs of linear functions
- linear functions as mathematical models
Chapter 4: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
- solutions of linear equations
- systems of equations
- second order determinants
- linear equations with three or more variables
- systems of linear inequalities
Chapter 5: Quadratic Functions and Complex Numbers
- graphs of quadratic functions
- x-intercepts and the quadratic formula
- imaginary and complex numbers
- evaluating quadratic functions
- quadratic functions as models
Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- exponential functions
- properties of exponentiation
- rational exponents
- scientific notation
- logarithms
- logarithms and other bases
- logarithm properties
- inverses of functions
- add-multiply property
Chapter 7: Rational Algebraic Functions
- discontinuities and asymptotes
- special products and factoring
- long division of polynomials
- factoring higher-degree polynomials
- products and quotients of rational expressions
- sums and differences of rational expressions
- fractional equations and extraneous solutions
- variation functions
Chapter 8: Irrational Algebraic Functions
- graphs of irrational functions
- radicals and simple radical form
- radical equations
- variation functions with non-integer variable
Chapter 9: Quadratic Relations and Systems
- circles, ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas
- graphs of conics
- system of quadratics
Chapter 10: Higher Degree Functions and Complex Numbers
- complex numbers
- graphs of higher degree functions
- mathematical models
Chapter 13: Trigonometric and Circular Functions
- measurement of arcs and rotation
- trigonometric and circular functions
- graphs of trigonometric and circular functions
Chapter 14: Properties of Trigonometric and Circular Functions
- three properties of trigonometric functions
- trigonometric identities
If time allows:
Chapter 11: Sequences and Series
- arithmetic and geometric sequences
- arithmetic and geometric means
- arithmetic and geometric series
- convert geometric series
- factorials
- binomial series and the binomial formulas
Chapter 12: Probability, Data Analysis, and Functions of Random Variable
- counting principles
- permutations and combinations
- properties of probability
- random variables
- mathematical expectation
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