Parents of Ambrosians,
This is your friendly reminder that course selection deadline is this Friday, April 12. Course selection can be accessed through your FACTS account under your student’s name.
Rising Freshmen and Sophomores will be choosing their Fine Arts Elective as well as indicating their level in Math and Latin.
Rising Juniors and Seniors will be indicating their level in Math and Latin (if applicable) and whether they would like to be in the Humanities honors sections (if not, they do not have to choose English, Religion, or History; they will automatically be enrolled in the standard sections of those courses). They will also choose a Science course as well as an elective. Juniors and Seniors taking 5 core courses should sign up for two electives; Juniors and Seniors taking 6 core courses should sign up for one elective. If your Junior or Senior is taking 7 core courses, the elective requirement can be waived.
Contact Mary Skemp at if you have any questions.
Thank you, Mary Skemp, Dean of Students, St. Ambrose Academy