Friday, February 7 from 3:30-6:10pm at St. Ambrose Academy – Commons
**Bring a full water bottle, dance shoes, script, and music. Bring all belongings, including backpacks, lunchboxes and homework to Commons. Students will not be allowed to return to lockers after signing in to rehearsal.**
3:30-3:40pm = Company Meeting
Blocking with Mrs. Hineline and Mr. Marsland + Mr. Carrano in the Commons
3:45-3:55 = Vocal Warm-ups w/Full Cast
4:00-4:45 = (Review) Act 1, scene 4 (p. 23-29) – Learn to Do It – [Dmitry, Vlad, Anya]
4:45-5:15 = (Review) Act 1, scene 2 (p. 15-20) [Dmitry, Vlad, Anya + Dunya, Marfa, Paulina with In My Dreams Chorus]
5:15-5:45 = (Review) Act 1, scene 3 (p. 21-22) [Gleb, Dunya, Marfa, Paulina + Rumors Never End Ensemble]
5:45-6:10 = (Review) Act 1, scene 5 (p. 30-32) [Gleb, Anya + Comrade #3]
Vocals with Mr. Carrano in Rm 248
4:00-5:00 = Finale, Rumor in St. Petersburg, Stay, I Pray You
5:00-5:30 = #20 – A Nightmare with dialogue
Vocals with Mr. Marsland in Mrs. Hineline’s Office
5:15-6:00 = Dmitry Vocals (My Petersburg + Everything to Win + others)