NO FILM CLUB tomorrow Thursday Jan.11, 2024!
Attention parents! Thursday’s after-school Film Club has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 25th.
Please pick up your students as normal tomorrow, Thursday, 1/11.
Sorry for the short notice!
Film Club | January 11
Next meeting of the Film Club will be Thu., Jan. 11 after school, beginning at 3:30pm. This month’s showing is The General. One of the most revered comedies of the silent era, this film finds hapless Southern railroad engineer Johnny Gray (Buster Keaton) facing off against Union soldiers during the American Civil War. When Johnny’s fiancée, Annabelle Lee (Marion Mack), is accidentally taken away while on a train stolen by Northern forces, Gray pursues the soldiers, using various modes of transportation in comic action scenes that highlight Keaton’s boundless wit and dexterity.
Movie runtime is approximately 1hr 15min, so pick-up will be around 4:45 p.m.