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Hot Lunch – Hosted by Senior Class

October 9, 2023

Hot Lunch Roll-Out      
Thanks to the diligence of our monthly hot lunch crew (yay, Savanna, Ryan and Hannah!), we are ready to roll-out the monthly hot lunches that made our students and staff SO happy last year and will certainly delight them this year. The first lunch will be Monday, October 9, in coordination with our celebration of Our Lady of Champion. For the full slate lunches, the cost will be $20 per student for the whole school year, collected through FACTS; this covers the main dish and plates and utensils. You can opt out if you want by contacting Savanna Parker (savanna1434@hotmail.com).
This first lunch will be hosted by the Senior class. Senior parents, that means we need your help with serving and donating items.
Senior parents, to sign up to help the monthly hot lunch crew serve lunch AND earn volunteer hours, sign up here: St. Ambrose Academy Volunteers: SAA Home and School Connection 2023-2024 (signupgenius.com)


October 9, 2023
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