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Junior High Spelling Bee

January 24

Junior High Spelling Bee | January 24

All junior high students have been given a spelling list to use in preparation for classroom spelling bees that will take place in English classes during the second week of school after Christmas break. The winner of each classroom bee will then compete in an all-junior high spelling bee on Fri., Jan. 24 (Life Skills Day). All junior high students are required to participate in the classroom spelling bees, but they will get as much out of it as they put into it. Feel free to encourage your students to practice their spelling if they need something to do on a cold day!

Last week all junior high students participated in classroom spelling bees. In many cases, competition was fierce, and students performed very well. Six spellers will now move on to the all-junior high spelling bee on Life Skills Day, THIS Fri., Jan. 24. Congratulations to all students on their excellent participation!


January 24
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