Wednesday, January 24 from 3:45-6:10pm
Directors called: Mrs. Hineline and Maria Marsland |
St. Mary of Pine Bluff – gym | Wednesday, January 24 from 3:45-6:10pm – St. Mary of Pine Bluff – gym
Blocking Rehearsal Schedule: Everyone listed below must be in the company circle at 3:45pm. Actors will be dismissed after they have completed their final rehearsal slot. Please read carefully. Bring a water bottle, several snacks, dance shoes and music binder. Please plan to complete homework during down time 3:45-3:55 = Company Circle in Gym [All Called Below] 3:55-5:30 = (Block) Act 2, scene 7 #19 Seize the Day & #20 Once and For All (pg 96-101) [#19 Seize the Day Ensemble, #20 Once and For All Ensemble + Jack, Katherine, Davey, Bill, Darcy]
4:00-5:15 = Solo Vocals in classroom #1 with Maria Marsland
5:30-6:10 = (Review) Act 2, scene 6 (pg 90-95) – #18 Something to Believe In [Katherine and Jack]