Born and raised Catholic, Susie was blessed to have a wonderful family, including two older siblings in whose footsteps she followed to UW-Madison. There, she earned an undergraduate degree in English Literature and was involved in the community at St. Paul’s Catholic Center, where she deepened her interest in theology.
In her experience, “once you start studying the faith, there’s always so much more to learn,” an inner motivation that impelled her to pursue post-graduate studies. After UW-Madison, she attended the Augustine Institute in Colorado where she earned a masters degree in Theology and Leadership for the New Evangelization. The Institute was a perfect fit for someone who loves theology and the outdoors, and Susie was able to enjoy favorite hobbies like hiking, including eight 14ers (mountains with peaks that exceed 14,000 feet)!
Susie loves the Catholic faith, especially studying Scripture, learning about the plan of salvation woven throughout the Old Testament, and sharing this love for the faith with her students. She hopes to help others see how God works all things for the good of each individual person, how that good is brought about through the Catholic Church, and how the saints can be a witness for us especially in times of trial. She’s found literature an effective means of doing this, taking note of the virtuous or unvirtuous behaviors characters exhibit and what lessons we can draw from great works.
While a full-time student, Susie also worked at the Augustine Institute, creating curriculum and writing lesson plans for a new catechetical program for schools and catechists to use. After her graduate program, she was able to dive headlong into the classroom full-time, teaching English literature, ballroom dance, and theology in a Colorado Catholic classical school.
She especially enjoyed creating special traditions like a weekly teatime for her English class during which they discussed great works over a hot cup of tea. Susie is delighted to bringing these experiences and new ones to the new and returning students in the classes she teaches. We are thankful to have her as a wonderful part of our team!