Student Clubs

National Honor Society

National Honor Society Eligibility and Selection Procedures

The St. Ambrose Academy High School Chapter of the National Honor Society is an organization designed to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character in students of the high school.

The selection of students for membership in the National Honor Society is based upon the following procedures, which are in accordance with the National Honor Society Constitution and the National Honor Society Handbook:

  1. The faculty council determines the selection procedure, which is described below. The procedure is subject to review and revision by the faculty council on an annual basis.
  2. Juniors’ and Seniors’ academic records will be reviewed through the most recently completed semester to determine which students meet the eligibility requirement which is a minimum cumulative scholastic average of at least 3.4.
  3. The National Honor Society advisor will form an anonymous faculty council consisting of five faculty members who will review all National Honor Society student applications and other verifiable information in order to select the candidates who will be awarded membership to the St Ambrose Academy High School Chapter of the National Honor Society and recognized at an induction ceremony. The National Honor Society advisor will attend the selection process meeting but is not counted as one of the five faculty council members. The faculty council may not include administrators and support staff.  The National Honor Society advisor may not cast a vote for any candidate. A faculty council member cannot cast a vote for any candidate who is a member of their immediate family.
  4. All students who are eligible scholastically will be notified and told that for further consideration for selection to the National Honor Society Chapter, they must fully complete the National Honor Society Student Application and submit it by the given deadline. All eligible students will be given due process by the faculty council.
  5. All St Ambrose Academy faculty members are invited to make written comments about and rate candidates with regard to character, service, and leadership. These comments and ratings can be used as part of the consideration for a candidate’s eligibility and qualifications but may not be counted as votes in the selection process because the five appointed members of the faculty council must make the actual selections. It is not permissible to take an entire faculty vote.
  6. The National Honor Society Application will be reviewed by the faculty council along with any other verifiable information about each candidate from their high school career thus far such as faculty evaluation forms, attendance, and discipline records.  The faculty council has the freedom and authority to interview candidates personally. Candidates receiving a majority vote from the faculty council will be inducted into the chapter.
  1. Students selected for membership into the St Ambrose Academy High School Chapter will be notified by letter and inducted during a special ceremony to be held at a pre-announced date. Suggested ceremonies are provided in the National Honor Society Handbook and inductees will sign the official Chapter membership book during the ceremony.
  2. Once inducted into the chapter, a student continues to be a member until graduation unless dismissed as determined by the National Honor Society Constitution and/or the St Ambrose Academy High School Chapter National Honor Society Code of Conduct, which students sign and agree to prior to their induction. A member can be considered for dismissal when performance falls below the acceptable levels of any of the standards by which the student was selected.
  3. The faculty council may request to reconvene to discuss and act upon National Honor Society selections, membership, or other matters by presenting to the principal such a request in writing, signed by the majority of the council.
  4. Students who transfer into St Ambrose Academy High School as National Honor Society members from another Chapter are accepted into the St Ambrose Academy High School Chapter if all membership requirements of this Chapter are met.
  5. Questions regarding the National Honor Society, its functions, or the selection process may be directed to the principal, or National Honor Society advisor. The National Honor Society handbook is available for review from either the advisor  or the administration. The following guidelines are offered to assist in the definition of criteria in the area of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.


The student of scholarship must have a cumulative scholastic average of at least 3.4 through the most recently completed semester. This average is considered as the standard of excellence.


The student who exercised leadership:

  • Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions
  • Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities
  • Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideals
  • Contributes ideas that improved the civic life of the school
  • Is able to delegate responsibilities
  • Exemplifies a positive attitude
  • Inspires virtuous behavior in others
  • Demonstrates academic initiative and grit
  • Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility, conducting those responsibilities efficiently and effectively and without prodding, demonstrates reliability
  • Demonstrates leadership in the classroom, at work, and in school or community activities


The student who serves:

  • Displays a loyal school attitude
  • Participates in some outside service activity: for example, Church Groups, St. Vincent de Paul, Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts, Pro-Life groups, volunteer services for the aged, poor or disadvantaged
  • Volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance
  • Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous tasks
  • Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school
  • Is willing to represent the class or school in interscholastic competition
  • Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.


The student of character:

  • Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously;
  • Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)
  • Upholds principles of morality and Catholic social teaching
  • Cooperates by complying with school rules concerning property, programs, halls, etc.
  • Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability;
  • Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others;
  •  Observes instructions and rules, punctuality, and faithfulness both inside and outside of the classroom;
  • Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies;
  • Manifest truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others
  • Actively helps to rid the school of bad influences or environment.