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Pre-Algebra Course Outline

The Pre-Algebra course completes the student’s instruction in arithmetic. Students will learn how to work with factors and multiples. The application of percentage and ratios to financial problems will be covered. Algebraic notation and concepts will be introduced in a formal way. This course uses Pre-Algebra by Larson, Boswell, Kanold, & Stiff.

Chapter 1: Variables, Expressions, and Integers

  • expressions and variables
  • powers and exponents
  • order of operations
  • comparing and ordering integers
  • adding and subtracting integers
  • multiplying and dividing integers
  • decimal operations
  • the coordinate plane

Chapter 2: Solving Equations

  • properties and operations
  • the distributive property
  • simplifying variable expressions
  • variables and equations
  • solving equations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

Chapter 3: Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

  • solving two-step equations
  • solving with like terms and parentheses
  • solving equations with variables on both sides
  • solving inequalities using addition, subtraction, multiplcation, and division
  • solving multi-step inequalities

Chapter 4: Factors, Fractions, and Exponents

  • factors and prime factorization
  • GCF, LCM
  • equivalent fractions
  • rules of exponents
  • negative and zero exponents
  • scientific notation

Chapter 6: Ratio, Proportion, and Probability

  • ratios and rates
  • writing and solving proportions
  • scale drawings
  • probability and odds
  • the counting principle

Chapter 8: Linear Functions

  • relations and functions
  • linear equations in two variables
  • intercepts and slopes
  • slope-intercept form
  • writing linear equations
  • systems of linear equations and graphs

Chapter 9: Real Numbers and Right Triangles

  • square roots
  • the Pythagorean theorem
  • real numbers

Chapter 10: Measurement, Area, and Volume

  • triangles, polygons, and quadrilaterals
  • areas of parallelograms and trapezoids
  • circumference and area of circles
  • surface area and volumes of prisms and cylinders
  • surface area and volumes of pyramids and cones

As time allows:

Chapter 11: Data Analysis and Probability

  • stem-and-leaf plots and histograms
  • box-and-whisker plots
  • analyzing data
  • permutations and combinations
  • probabilities
  • independent and dependent events

Chapter 12: Polynomials and Nonlinear Functions

  • working with polynomials
  • multiplying binomials
  • quadratic functions
  • exponential growth and decay
  • sequences

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