Tag: Back to School Family Event

Uniform Exchange | August 15

The Uniform Exchange for the beginning of this school year will be held at St. Ambrose Academy on Thu., Aug. 15 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please enter through our school entrance (northeast side of the building).

All families are welcome to participate in the Uniform Exchange. There is no donation requirement, and no cost to our exchange; any student may benefit from utilizing uniform pieces through the exchange. Bathrooms will be available for trying on uniform items. Optional: If you have uniform items which are not currently needed by your student(s) and would like to donate them to the exchange, please be sure they are clean and in good repair. Donated uniform pieces can be dropped off at any time during the exchange.

If you would like to volunteer to help organize and/or facilitate the Uniform Exchange, please CLICK HERE to contact Monica Freng via e-mail.

All School Picnic | TOMORROW!

August 14

Come meet new St. Ambrose families at the All School picnic TOMORROW, Wed., Aug. 14 at Wexford Park!

  • Begin arriving at 5:30 p.m.
  • Dinner begins at 6:00 p.m.
  • Brats, hot dogs, and lemonade will be provided.
  • Please bring a dessert, side dish, or snack to share and your beverage of choice.

Dress is casual. Picnic table seating is limited so bring chairs/picnic blankets and don’t forget your favorite lawn/outdoor games. Please RSVP via e-mail to Ivonne Blahnik.