Guardians For Life | February 14
Guardians for Life will be praying outside of Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd) NEXT Wed., Feb. 14, from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. All students and families/friends are welcome to join.
Guardians For Life | February 14
Guardians for Life will be praying outside of Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd) NEXT Wed., Feb. 14, from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. All students and families/friends are welcome to join.
Calling all Guardians fans! Head to our next basketball game in style! Purchase your fan gear by heading over to the store, linked HERE.
The St. Ambrose Academy spirit wear store will be open until January 22!
Silent Auction is Open!
Whether it’s a gift for a loved one or something special for yourself, check out the online silent auction items and experiences beginning today. Share these with others – bidders do not need to be at the Benefit Dinner gala to participate! The auction closes at 8:00 p.m. this Saturday so bid high and bid often on:
50/50 Raffle Tickets are available through the gala on Friday, when the winner will be chosen (does not need to be present to win). Rome is leading the House competition…but it’s still anyone’s to win! |
RSVP to the Benefit Dinner by November 24!
We’ve got a lot of fun planned for this year’s Benefit Dinner. You’ll enjoy catching up with others during the cocktail hour and meal and being entertained and inspired during the program. RSVPs are due by Fri., Nov. 24 so invite some friends to join you! Visit our website for more details. 50/50 Raffle Tickets are available. The winner will be chosen at the Benefit Dinner (does not need to be present to win) – so get yours or encourage others to buy today! |
Winter Concert | December 13
Please join us in celebrating the hard work of all of our band and choir students at their upcoming concert on Wed., Dec. 13 @ 6:30 p.m. in the gym at St. Mary, Pine Bluff. All are welcome!
Clarification – Choir students are not performing with the band this year on Wed., Dec. 13; that concert will only be for band students. Choir students will only be performing Mon., Dec. 4.
Dear St. Ambrose Academy community,
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land on Tuesday, October 17.
See Please spread the word and participate as you are able “to deliver to God the Father our thirst for peace, justice, and reconciliation,” in the words of Cardinal Pizzaballa.
On a more private note: you’ve probably seen in the news that the Holy Father is in touch with Father Gabriel Romanelli, the pastor of Holy Family Church, the only Catholic parish in Gaza.
Several St. Ambrose Academy community members belong to the international papal Order that supports the charitable works of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and we support this parish in Gaza directly. I will paste in some photos below from Holy Family School’s recent summer camp, sent to us by our contact with the school, Jeff Abood. We are told that Father Romanelli is currently in Bethlehem and is unable to get to Gaza, but we heard through Abeer Hanna, the LPJ Holy Family school administrator, that Father Romanelli’s assistant Father Yousef, who is in Gaza, contacted him yesterday with the following message:
“There are 15 families now living in the convent. He told us that most of the family’s homes were destroyed while they were in the convent. The situation in the convent is difficult as they are now suffering from lack of food, water, petrol for the generator as the electricity is cut off. We pray and hope the war ends soon. Thank you for your sympathy and love.” – Father Yousef, Holy Family Church, as relayed by Abeer Hanna, LPJ school administrator who oversees Holy Family school
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
Your sister in Christ,
Joan Carey, Executive Director, St. Ambrose Academy
“Since he is not the God of disorder but of peace” (1 Cor. 14,33)
Dear brothers and sisters,
May the Lord indeed give us His peace!
The pain and dismay at what is happening is great. Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of a political and military crisis. We have suddenly been catapulted into a sea of unprecedented violence. The hatred, which we have unfortunately already been experiencing for too long, will increase even more, and the ensuing spiral of violence will create more destruction. Everything seems to speak of death.
Yet, in this time of sorrow and dismay, we do not want to remain helpless. We cannot let death and its sting (1 Cor 15:55) be the only word we hear.
That is why we feel the need to pray, to turn our hearts to God the Father. Only in this way we can draw the strength and serenity needed to endure these hard times, by turning to Him, in prayer and intercession, to implore and cry out to God amidst this anguish.
On behalf of all the Ordinaries of the Holy Land, I invite all parishes and religious communities to a day of fasting and prayer for peace and reconciliation.
We ask that on Tuesday, October 17, everyone hold a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer. Let us organize prayer times with Eucharistic adoration and with the recitation of the Rosary to Our Blessed Virgin Mary. Although most probably in many parts of our diocese’s circumstances will not permit large gatherings, it is possible to organize simple and sober common moments of prayer in parishes, religious communities, and families.
This is the way we all come together despite everything, and unite collectively in prayer, to deliver to God the Father our thirst for peace, justice, and reconciliation.
With sincere prayers for all,
+Pierbattista Card. Pizzaballa
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
President of the ACOHL
Miss Klinkhammer’s Consecration | December 22The Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, invites you to share the Church’s joy as Theresa Marie Loretta Klinkhammer is consecrated to a life of Virginity lived in the world on Friday, December 22, 2023 at 11 am at Saint Maria Goretti Church. Adoration and confessions will be available from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. A reception will follow in the Please RSVP with your prayer requests and spiritual bouquet for Bishop Please rsvp so there is enough food.. Click the link below for more information, and to RSVP. We are moving the last exam on Fri., Dec. 22 to the last period on Tue., Dec. 19. This will allow all students and families from SAA to attend if they would like. |
The fall diaper drive starts this week and goes until next Thu., Oct. 19. We will be collecting diapers to donate to Babies and Beyond. Diapers can be dropped off in the pack-and-play in the front entryway.
Make sure to write your house on the diapers so they can be credited to your house’s total! House points will be given based on diapers collected. The house that collects the most diapers will get desserts sponsored by Guardians for Life!
Sizes newborn, 1, 2, and 3, as well as pull ups, are needed the most, but all sizes are accepted. Open packages, baby wipes and formula are also accepted.
Badger Football Gameday Volunteers
St. Ambrose Academy is again going to supply volunteers to be runners of food and beverages in the suites for UW Football games. We started this volunteer opportunity four years ago in which SAA benefited by over $12,000. Everyone that had a chance to volunteer since 2019 enjoyed the time they spent volunteering as they were able to meet other SAA families and serve the spectators in the air conditioned/heated suites. “Watching a few plays while serving and being part of the excitement as the fans cheered”, was a comment that the volunteers had after leaving Camp Randall. These volunteer hours will count towards the required volunteer hours required for SAA, and you can recruit your friends and neighbors to join the fun.
Take food and beverages to about 300 spectators (You are not taking orders or handling any transactions)
Arrive to Camp Randall 3 1/2 hours before game time
Depart shortly after the 4th quarter starts. (You can stay and watch the 4th quarter if you want)
Free meal from the concessions stand
UW Home Football Games Needing Volunteers: Click here to sign-up
Sept. 2 vs. Buffalo, arrive 11:00 am, kickoff time 2:30 pm
Sept 16 vs. GA Southern, arrive 7:30, kickoff time 11 am
Oct. 7 vs Rutgers arrive at 7:30 am, kickoff time11 am
Oct. 14 vs Iowa, arrive at 11:30 am, kickoff time 3 pm
Oct. 28 vs Ohio State, arrive at TBD, kickoff time TBD
Nov. 11 vs Northwestern, arrive at TBD, Kickoff time TBD
Nov 18th vs Nebraska, arrive at TBD, Kick off time TBD
Please contact Principal, Scott Schmiesing, with any questions.
This fall marks two decades as a school community and we invite you to join us for a special all-school Mass at Holy Name Heights, followed by a breakfast for you, our faithful alumni, friends, and supporters who make this mission possible.
Join us on Monday, October 9, 2023 at 8:00 AM for Mass with breakfast to follow.
RSVP soon because space is limited.
We hope you’re able to join us as we mark this milestone. Thank you for being a part of St. Ambrose Academy’s story!
St. Ambrose moms, can you join us for a fall get-together at Athena Lyons’ home on Saturday, October 14 (the Saturday AFTER Homecoming) from 7-10 p.m.? You’re warmly welcome to attend. Here is the Evite:
Join St. Ambrose moms for a time to relax and spend time together this fall! Although the start time is 7:00, please come when you can. If possible, please bring a snack or beverage to share. RSVP by Tuesday, October 10.
Dear St. Ambrose Academy Junior High Parents,
We just want to send you a reminder that tomorrow Friday October 6, 2023, your
student will be going to Camp Gray for their Junior High Retreat.
Student will be coming to school at the regular time (8am). They ‘ll be reporting to
their Homeroom teachers and they will be going to the Oratory to pray the Litany
of the Hours.
Around 8:45am, they will be going into their bus or a van to go to Camp Gray.
Pick up time will be here at SAA at 5pm.
Make sure they bring their usual cold lunch.
They can wear comfortable clothes and shoes. There’s no need to wear uniform.
Please ask them to bring the following:
Bible/spiritual reading
Coat/hat (if it is cold)
Water bottle
Packed lunch
Thank you and let us know if you have any questions.
Ivonne Blahnik
In The Community
You’re invited to a special showing of Tolton, the inspiring, challenging true story of the man who overcame great adversity in order to become the first African-American Catholic priest.
Fr. Tolton’s cause for canonization was opened and has currently passed several benchmarks in the canonization process. Fr. Tolton’s story is one that shouldn’t be missed as we look back on a remarkable life and the difficult history of racism experienced in the Catholic Church and our country. Members of the St. Ambrose Academy community have coordinated to bring this production to Madison and we encourage you to attend.
Monday, October 9 | 7:00PM
Holy Name Heights | 702 South High Point Rd, Madison
Host – Zimmerman Family
Per Team Linkt message on 10/5/2023:
“Good morning everyone –
I’m sorry, but I think we need to cancel the spaghetti supper this week. We’re having difficulty finding an appropriate venue. We had hoped to have practice out at our place, but that won’t be possible this week.
We will happily provide snack this Saturday at Albany, with our sincerest thanks for your understanding. Is this a bribe? Maybe. 😉
Yours in Christ,
Laura Zim”
Experience the dynamic St. Ambrose environment with our Fall Tour!
We’re thrilled to welcome back returning parents and connect with new parents as we start the
new year! Join us for different activities Tuesday – Thursday at St. Ambrose Academy and
Friday at the home of Patrick and Executive Director Joan Carey’s home.
Tuesday 9/5 – Parent Rosary & Intercession | 7:40 – 8:10 a.m.
Unite our intentions by praying the Rosary with other parents in the Oratory
Wednesday 9/6 – Parent Appreciation Coffee & Donuts | 7:45 – 8:40 a.m.
Savor a morning pick-me-up outside SAA before you continue your day
Thursday 9/7 – Cookie Grab & Go w/SAA Faculty | 3:15 – 4:00 p.m.
Enjoy a treat at afternoon pick-up and be greeted by our outstanding faculty
Friday 9/8 – Parent Wine & Cheese Night | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Kick back and relax at the Careys’ home after making it through the first week!
All freshman and sophomore girls (9th & 10th grade) are invited to a morning gathering to get to know one another on Mon., Aug. 28, from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. This event will take place at 1 Point Place, just behind our St. Ambrose Academy building. This is a great opportunity to meet other girls before the school year!
Some of our wonderful junior and senior girls will be running the morning, and they are excited to gather both new and returning girls together in our SAA community!
We’ll provide breakfast treats for everyone. Please RSVP on the simple form linked below so we know how many to expect.
Girls who plan to attend the musical workshop will walk over to Synergy after the gathering together.
All Saints Party | November 4
Since 2004, the All Saints Party has been hosted to fundraise for the March for Life Trip that St. Ambrose seniors take annually. It is also a lot of FUN as individuals, couples, and families come together to celebrate our community, friendships, and wonderful autumn weather and as a way to “live liturgically” by celebrating beautiful feasts together. All are welcome, so please invite other families and friends to join in this community-wide event! |
Please come and celebrate the Saints and help to raise money to send this year’s St. Ambrose Seniors to the March for Life in Washington, DC in January 2024.
Visit the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a potluck item and parent help, also scroll down to the end to estimate attendance for the party, including number of adults and children. Pray for successful fundraising and a fun celebration!
Potluck food should be brought to the location before dinner time 4:30 pm. Thank you.
Suggested Freewill Offering $25.00/family-$10.00/individual. Pay cash or check before the event or at the event at dinner time. Checks can be made out to St. Ambrose Academy memo Saints Party donation.
Bring lawn chairs if you’d like.
Thank you for your support and generosity. We hope to see you all there!
Students in Junior High, as well as Senior High music students, will be performing a lessons and carols this year at Saint Maria Goretti Parish. The concert will be Mon., Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m.
Students should arrive at Saint Maria Goretti by 5:30 p.m. for warm-ups and one final run through of the concert. This year, we have a new dress code for concerts; students must dress in concert black!
Clarification – Choir students are not performing with the band this year on Wed., Dec. 13; that concert will only be for band students. Choir students will only be performing Mon., Dec. 4.
The 2023 Abundant Life Challenger Golf Classic is Mon., Aug. 14, and you and your family members are invited to join the action! Click the button below to find all of the details, including a letter from ALCS Athletic Director Michael Thies, location, and the link to sign up. Lots of fun contests and prizes are part of the fun!
Click here to learn more!
Get to know St. Ambrose Academy through presentations made by our talented faculty! RSVP or share questions:
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Parent Update MeetingSave the Date!
Our annual ‘State of the School’ meeting will be held once again at St. Maria Goretti Parish Hall and is a fantastic evening spent in the company of fellow parents, staff/faculty, and Board members as we celebrate highlights of the past year, share exciting updates (seriously, very many exciting updates), and look ahead to the coming year! All current parents and new, incoming parents for Fall 2024 are invited to attend.
RSVPs are encouraged by Mon., May 20 to Carolyn Averill |
Due to illness, we’re having a slight change of plans for tomorrow’s Spotlight Faculty Speaker event. Dr. Denise Ludvik’s talk on genetic engineering will be postponed to a future date, but her husband (and fellow St. Ambrose faculty member) Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik will be presenting on a likewise fascinating topic.
During the academic year, Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik is a beloved history and Latin teacher as well as an active archeologist outside of school. His engaging presentations both in and out of the classroom are a real treat so I encourage you to join if you’re available. Please see below for more details! God bless, Carolyn Averill |
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Aliens, Giants, and Lost Tribes: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology with Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik Tuesday, April 16 from 7:00-8:15 PM | 3 Point Place, Madison “How do we know the pyramids weren’t built by aliens??? This talk introduces the principles used by historians and archaeologists to separate fact from fiction when examining ancient evidence. This is done focusing on an example from close to home: the Effigy Mounds of Southern Wisconsin and their alleged connection to the Lost Tribes of Israel.” RSVPS are encouraged but not required: call 608-827-5863 or email Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik is a member of the Tell el-Hesi Regional Project in Israel and the active dig site there, the Catholic Bible Association, and the American Schools of Oriental Research. He is also currently an honorary fellow at UW-Madison and an Archaeological Research Affiliate with the Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University. |
Friday, December 1 at 5:30PM
Monona Terrace and Convention Center | One John Nolen Drive, Madison
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Celebrate at the Benefit Dinner | December 1
Join hundreds of alumni, families, and supporters at the 17th Annual Benefit Dinner on Friday, December 1! This year we’re celebrating 20 years as a school and we look forward to an incredible evening together. |
Silent Auction Donations
We’re bringing back the Silent Auction at this year’s Benefit Dinner! Help us make this a great success and consider donating or helping us solicit donations from Madison area businesses that you know. High-quality items, baskets, gift cards, and experiences are encouraged to help raise funds for Tuition Assistance while giving our guests something fun to compete with one another at the event – all while benefitting SAA. If you have connections at local businesses, please consider downloading and sharing the PDF below with them and asking if they would be interested in supporting our Silent Auction. You may be surprised how open people are to supporting efforts like these and this will help us make an even more successful auction! Questions? Email Carolyn at |
50/50 Raffle
Our 50/50 raffle is about to begin! Students will be receiving tickets on November 2nd and are encouraged to sell tickets for House and individual rewards. This is a great fundraiser for our school and last year students/families sold over $10,000 in tickets – let’s see how much we can beat that record this year! |
Take Me Out To The Ballgame!The Madison Mallards are excited to recognize St. Ambrose Academy with a school appreciation night, this coming July 11 at 6:05pm. Encourage your friends to attend and let’s show our Guardian pride while enjoying summer fellowship! All students and staff will each receive TWO ticket vouchers for this specific game night tomorrow morning. Extra tickets can be purchased for other family members or guests as well. You are encouraged to redeem your vouchers by May 1 for the best reserved seats. The longer you wait after this date, the more you risk the game selling out. Please contact Mr. Schmiesing or Mr. Draves if you have any questions. |
Benefactor Performance from 5:00pm – 9:30pm at Badger Ridge Middle School, PAC
*Arrive with hair and make-up ready. Bring water, snack and homework for downtime.*
4:15: Costume rooms opened for cast with specialty hair and make-up only
5:15-5:25 = Seats in Theater [Full Cast and Crew]
5:25-6:30 = Costumes / Props / Mics / Cast and Crew Warm-ups[Full Cast and Crew]
7:00pm-9:30pm = Benefactor Performance[Full Cast and Crew]