Tag: Sophomores

Hi All,
Here is an update on the Devi’s Lake trip tomorrow.
My van is full with (Luke, Elijah, Penny, Elizabeth P., Jacinta, Elizabeth S., Lily, Adie, John, and Andrew).  We will meet in the west side Aldi parking lot at 9:15am and be on our way to be at the state park at or around 10am.  We will leave at 2pm and arrive back at Aldi at 2:45pm for pick up.
The weather could be rainy so plan accordingly.
Tacos for lunch!
We look forward to seeing more faces there.
Please feel free to call or text if you need anything.
Katie (Anna’s mom)
Dear Sophomore (now Junior) Parents,
I’m doing my best to help my daughter, Anna, coordinate an all class trip to Devil’s Lake on Friday, May 24.  It is optional, of course, but the more the merrier!
Details are as follows:
10:00am – Arrival
10:30 – Hike
12:00pm – Lunch & Lounge
2:00pm – Departure
Activities: hiking, lunch cookout, yard games, frisbee/football/soccer, etc.
There’s canoeing available for rental. Please consider bringing a lawn chair, a food item for lunch, bug spray, and anything else you feel like you will need for the activities.
I’ll be taking our big van and have room for 9.  I can do some pickups on the way.  Just let me know if your son/daughter needs a ride.  Also, if other parents are interested in attending, I’d welcome the company!
Feel free to text me if you have questions: 608-444-5673. You can also reply to this e-mail.
Congratulations on a fantastic year!
Katie Haun, mom to Anna

Dear parents of St. Ambrose Academy,

Because we have enough founds, the Home and School Connection will be providing Hot Lunch tomorrow Tuesday May 21st. to all students.

Parents will be serving hot dogs and brats for everyone who wants a hot lunch, otherwise they can bring their cold lunch as usual.

Please note this special lunch if free of cost.

Thank you!

Please make sure your student brings in the textbook for each of their classes Mon. May 20, Tue. May 21, and Wed., May 22. All students must turn in their textbook before their final exam in each class.

Parents will be contacted if a student does not turn in their book and may be charged if not turned in by Wednesday.

First Friday All-Day Eucharistic Adoration | May 3

Our last opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., May 3.

If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., May 3. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.

If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.

We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., Apr. 19.

If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., Apr. 19. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.

If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.

Our May all-day Adoration day will be the last of this school year.

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following morning Mass and until the end of the school day.

Friday All-Day Eucharistic Adoration

THIS Fri., Feb. 9, we will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day.

If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. THIS Fri., Feb. 9. The Rosary will be followed by Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar following the Mass.

Adorers are needed throughout the day. If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik, Director of Student Ministires.

First Friday All-Day Eucharistic Adoration | November 3

We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day.

If you would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. on Fri., Nov. 3. The Rosary will be followed by The Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer. Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar following Morning Prayer.

Adorers are needed throughout the day. If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik, Director of Student Ministires.

Dress Like a Saint Day! | Tuesday Oct 31

On Tuesday, October 31, we are bringing back our Dress Like a Saint Day!

In honor of the Feast of All Saints, students may come to school dressed as a saint of their choosing. They should also be prepared to tell us about their saint! Modern saints & blesseds are allowed, but a word of warning: Students who use this treat as an opportunity to “dress down” will be given a demerit at the discretion of their teachers. Encourage your student to put together a great costume!

College Counseling with Dr. Skemp

Meetings with Dr. Skemp during Advisory for the month of October & November (dates subject to change):

Tue., Oct. 17 – Sophomores

Tue., Oct. 24 – Freshmen

Tue., Oct. 31 – Seniors

Tue., Nov. 7 – Juniors

Tue., Nov. 14 – Sophomores

Tue., Nov. 21 – Freshmen

The fall diaper drive starts this week and goes until next Thu., Oct. 19. We will be collecting diapers to donate to Babies and Beyond. Diapers can be dropped off in the pack-and-play in the front entryway.

Make sure to write your house on the diapers so they can be credited to your house’s total! House points will be given based on diapers collected. The house that collects the most diapers will get desserts sponsored by Guardians for Life!

Sizes newborn, 1, 2, and 3, as well as pull ups, are needed the most, but all sizes are accepted. Open packages, baby wipes and formula are also accepted.

Throughout the school year, each senior high class will be meeting with Dr. Skemp once per month during Advisory on Tuesdays. The schedule typically rotates through each class, beginning with Seniors, and working through to Freshmen.

Keep the lines of communication with your student(s) open and ask about these meetings. It’s never too early to begin thinking about vocation, college, and career!

The schedule for the month of September is as follows (dates subject to change):


(Aug. 31) – Seniors

12 – Juniors

19 – Sophomores

20 – Freshmen

Experience the dynamic St. Ambrose environment with our Fall Tour!

  • Be our guest for a light lunch
  • Listen to faculty speakers share how SAA is preparing young men and women for the future
  • Tour our beautiful 6 thru 12 school
  • Observe our classical curriculum in action
  • Ask questions and learn about our admission process

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 | 12:15-1:30 pm
3 Point Place, Madison

To RSVP or inquire, email Carolyn Averill at

High School Girls’ Gathering

All freshman and sophomore girls (9th & 10th grade) are invited to a morning gathering to get to know one another on Mon., Aug. 28, from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. This event will take place at 1 Point Place, just behind our St. Ambrose Academy building. This is a great opportunity to meet other girls before the school year!

Some of our wonderful junior and senior girls will be running the morning, and they are excited to gather both new and returning girls together in our SAA community!

We’ll provide breakfast treats for everyone. Please RSVP on the simple form linked below so we know how many to expect.

Girls who plan to attend the musical workshop will walk over to Synergy after the gathering together.

All Saints Party | November 4

Since 2004, the All Saints Party has been hosted to fundraise for the March for Life Trip that St. Ambrose seniors take annually. It is also a lot of FUN as individuals, couples, and families come together to celebrate our community, friendships, and wonderful autumn weather and as a way to “live liturgically” by celebrating beautiful feasts together. All are welcome, so please invite other families and friends to join in this community-wide event!

More Information Here

Sign Up for All Saints Here



Please come and celebrate the Saints and help to raise money to send this year’s St. Ambrose Seniors to the March for Life in Washington, DC in January 2024.

Visit the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a potluck item and parent help, also scroll down to the end to estimate attendance for the party, including number of adults and children. Pray for successful fundraising and a fun celebration!

Potluck food should be brought to the location before dinner time 4:30 pm. Thank you.

Suggested Freewill Offering $25.00/family-$10.00/individual. Pay cash or check before the event or at the event at dinner time. Checks can be made out to St. Ambrose Academy memo Saints Party donation.

Bring lawn chairs if you’d like.

Thank you for your support and generosity. We hope to see you all there!

We are pleased to announce the 2023 St. Ambrose Academy Homecoming Dance, and all senior high students are invited!  

The dance’s theme will be “Glow in the Dark,” and ALCS teacher and coach Josh Vaughn will be our DJ!

Information about Newsies Callbacks

Location: St. Ambrose Academy

Date: Saturday, Oct. 14th, 1 pm – 4 pm

Wow! We had an incredible night of auditions and are so excited about this cast! We already know about some roles based on auditions last night but will need to see a couple of people on Saturday to figure out exactly what role they will have. The callback list is below. Please note that you may also be asked to read for a part you are not assigned to, but this is where we will start. All callback materials will be in the audition folder by this afternoon, and Mrs. Hineline will also hand them out tomorrow.

Callback List

Audition Materials

Feel free to email me at diane.marsland@ambroseacademy if you have any questions!

Please start using the rehearsal tracks to practice. Here are the instructions for access, and the access code is: NEW2242341

Simple instructions – download the MTI player app, leave username blank and enter the above code as the password.

Audition for a role in St. Ambrose Academy’s Spring Musical! Auditions are open to 6-12 graders.

Information about Newsies Auditions

Location: St. Mary of Pine Bluff, gym. 3673 County Rd. P, Pine Bluff

Date: Wednesday, October 11

Time: Junior High from 3:45-5:00. High School from 4:55-7:33. Please note that high school students will be released from auditions at different times. Study schedule carefully. Students will not be allowed to stay past their assigned audition time.

Audition Schedule

Let me know right away ( if there is something in the schedule that isn’t correct!

What to bring: Dance shoes and water bottle

What to wear: Dress nicely for your audition. Girls, may wear their school uniform or skirt/dress that can be danced in. Boys, may wear school uniform or dress pants, button-down dress shirt or polo.

Also, please remember to turn in your pre-audition form to Mrs. Hineline, or email to Mrs. Marsland (

Please note: We have 72 people signed up to audition which is awesome, but a little tricky. We would like to let you all know a few things before auditions. In order to allow everyone to be cast:

1.     Middle schoolers (except for Les), will need to provide their own costume with directions from us. The Newsie style is fairly easy to create from regular earth-tone clothing.

2.     Most middle school cast members will be in a “kids chorus” and will be in one to two numbers.

3.     Dancers (and anyone cast as a main Newsie) will need to purchase boot jazz shoes ($20-$30 on Amazon), and tap shoes if they are cast as tappers.


Also, set builds will be starting next Saturday, Oct. 14th. We need a lot of help and it’s a lot of fun! Set builds will be at Endres Manufacturing in Waunakee. Please sign up for a slot!

Newsies Volunteer Signup


Old emails with Audition info:

Here is a link to the audition materials:

Audition Materials

There are 3 separate folders, sheet music, vocal recordings and choreography videos.

Feel free to email me at diane.marsland@ambroseacademy if you have any questions!

Please note, I tried to make an email list of everyone that has showed interest in auditioning, but I may have missed people. If you know of anyone that didn’t get the email, please forward it and also have them email me to get them on the list!

Audition dates, more information forthcoming:

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 3:45-6:30: Newsies Auditions, St. Mary Pine Bluff gym (lunch audition slots will be available for soccer players that have a game. All other coaches have been contacted and approved students to attend the audition)

Saturday, Oct. 14, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Newsies SH Callbacks, St. Ambrose

It looks like there aren’t any SH sporting events that day, but the PSAT test is that morning. There is a JH cross country meet, but this is primarily a senior high callback.

Also, we already have the rehearsal tracks! If you are interested in using them for practice or just to get familiar with the show, here are the instructions for access, and the access code is: NEW2242341

Simple instructions – download the MTI player app, leave username blank and enter the above code as the password.

We’re kicking off a fun, new, annual summer event and we want our parents to join us! We’re bringing together the Madison Christian business community, our supporters, and leaders who are changing our communities for the good.

Enjoy a relaxed evening with free live music, delicious food, and drinks on the patio of Karben4 Brewing with our thanks!

Join us for the St. Ambrose Summer Social on Wed., Aug. 16, 2023, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Register by August 11. We hope you’re able to join us!

Come to workshop to meet directors and learn audition choreography and vocals!  The workshop is open to 6-12 graders.

If your student would like to participate, please fill out this survey or email me at with student’s name and grade.

The 2023 Abundant Life Challenger Golf Classic is Mon., Aug. 14, and you and your family members are invited to join the action! Click the button below to find all of the details, including a letter from ALCS Athletic Director Michael Thies, location, and the link to sign up. Lots of fun contests and prizes are part of the fun!

Click here to learn more!

We will be having a Uniform Exchange at SAA the following days/times:

  • Aug. 15, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Aug. 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon

All families are welcome to participate in the Uniform Exchange. There is no donation requirement, and no cost to our exchange; any student may benefit from utilizing uniform pieces through the exchange. Bathrooms will be available for trying on uniform items. Optional: If you have uniform items which are not currently needed by your student(s) and would like to donate them to the exchange, please be sure they are clean and in good repair. Donated uniform pieces can be dropped off at any time during the exchange.

If you would like to volunteer to help organize and/or facilitate the Uniform Exchange, please CLICK HERE to contact Laura Karlen via e-mail.

This year’s All Family picnic is Thu. Aug. 17, at Wexford Park, Madison.

  • Dinner served from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
  • Brats, hot dogs, and lemonade will be provided.
  • Please bring dessert, side dish, or snack, and your beverage of choice.

Come meet new St. Ambrose families! Dress is casual. Bring a chair and your favorite lawn/outdoor games.

Volunteers are needed! We need help setting up, serving food, and cleaning up after all the fun. Click the button below to sign up!

Please click the second button to RSVP via e-mail to Ivonne Blahnik –, or click below. We hope to see you there!

Get to know St. Ambrose Academy through presentations made by our talented faculty! RSVP or share questions:

End of the Year Field Trip | THURSDAY May 23


Students in grades 6-10 will be headed to McGaw Park and Vitense Golfland on Thu., May 23. The cost, billed through FACTS, is $10 per student. All students should be dropped off at McGaw Park at 9:00 a.m and picked up at McGaw Park at 2:30pm.

The schedule for fun at Vitense Golfland is as follows:
● 9:30 a.m. – 10th Grade
● 10:45 a.m. – 9th Grade
● 12:00 Noon – 8th Grade
● 1:15 p.m. – 6th & 7th Grades

When students are at Vitense they will be able to play mini golf, foot golf, or hit balls on the range.
Students should bring their own soccer ball or their own golf clubs for foot golf and hitting balls on the

When students are not at Vitense, they will be at McGaw Park choosing from the following activities:
Pickleball, basketball, volleyball, baseball/softball, tennis, and ultimate frisbee.

Students need to bring the following:
● Cold lunch
● Full water bottle
● Dress for the weather

Please click the link for full details, including timelines and available activities.

Chaperones are needed for this field trip! Do you have all of your service hours for the year?

Chaperone Sign-Up

Field Trip Details


Parent Update Meeting

Save the Date!


Our annual ‘State of the School’ meeting will be held once again at St. Maria Goretti Parish Hall and is a fantastic evening spent in the company of fellow parents, staff/faculty, and Board members as we celebrate highlights of the past year, share exciting updates (seriously, very many exciting updates), and look ahead to the coming year! All current parents and new, incoming parents for Fall 2024 are invited to attend.



RSVPs are encouraged by Mon., May 20 to Carolyn Averill

Due to illness, we’re having a slight change of plans for tomorrow’s Spotlight Faculty Speaker event. Dr. Denise Ludvik’s talk on genetic engineering will be postponed to a future date, but her husband (and fellow St. Ambrose faculty member) Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik will be presenting on a likewise fascinating topic.

During the academic year, Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik is a beloved history and Latin teacher as well as an active archeologist outside of school. His engaging presentations both in and out of the classroom are a real treat so I encourage you to join if you’re available. Please see below for more details!

God bless,

Carolyn Averill
Advancement Director
St. Ambrose Academy

Aliens, Giants, and Lost Tribes: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology
with Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik

Tuesday, April 16 from 7:00-8:15 PM | 3 Point Place, Madison

“How do we know the pyramids weren’t built by aliens??? This talk introduces the principles used by historians and archaeologists to separate fact from fiction when examining ancient evidence. This is done focusing on an example from close to home: the Effigy Mounds of Southern Wisconsin and their alleged connection to the Lost Tribes of Israel.”

RSVPS are encouraged but not required: call 608-827-5863 or email

Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik is a member of the Tell el-Hesi Regional Project in Israel and the active dig site there, the Catholic Bible Association, and the American Schools of Oriental Research. He is also currently an honorary fellow at UW-Madison and an Archaeological Research Affiliate with the Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University.

Spring Service Day | March 8

Spring might not feel like it’s right around the corner, but our all-school Spring Service Day is!

Plans are underway for 185 SAA students to go out into the community to be the hands and heart of God. We need MANY drivers/chaperones to make this day a success. Join us for this day and you will log 7.5 hours of volunteer time and get to work with some amazing students. Sign up at the link below, and include the number of seats in your vehicle.

Please pray for the planning and success of this day.

If you would like more information, please contact Michelle LeVeque at or Judy Apel at

Spring Service Day