Invite Priests & Religious to P.A.R.T.Y. Night
We need you your help! Invite your priests and any religious you know to join you at our Priest and Religious Thank You Night (aka P.A.R.T.Y. Night!) at the Monday, February 5 Boys’ Basketball Home game. Bishop Hying will be there!
We always want to show our love and support for the priests and religious in our Diocese and this new tradition will be a fun way to bring the community together. All priests/religious will receive free admission and concessions, there’ll be an optional Priest vs. Priest and Sister vs. Sister game of Lightning at half-time, and there will be post-game cookies and milk for ALL.
Email the PDF invitation and make some personal invitations!
When: Mon., Feb. 5
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: St. Maria Goretti School
RSVP: email