
Carolyn Averill

Advancement Director

“It’s a blessing and a unique opportunity to be a part of a culture like St. Ambrose’s – one that is really striving for something great, both in the world but also in our relationships to God.”

Carolyn Averill brings a unique perspective to her role as advancement director. As a convert to Catholicism, Carolyn understands the experience of being on the outside of a community looking in. Therefore, she is passionate about finding the best ways to share St. Ambrose’s mission with those still unfamiliar with the school in order to bring them into relationship and ignite their hope for the future. 

Initially attracted to St. Ambrose because of the excellent reputation of its faculty and students, Carolyn loves being part of a like-minded, goal-oriented team dedicated to growing the school in order to make a lasting impact, as well as interacting with the students in fun ways throughout the day. She brings to the school her long experience at St. Paul’s Catholic Center, where she served as student leader, campus missionary, and ultimately Director of Advancement.

A UW-Madison graduate with a B.A. in history with honors in the major and a certificate in European studies, Carolyn nurtures her love of history, art architecture, and the culture of food and drink by experiencing the world through frequent travel. In her free time, she enjoys trouncing her friends in strategy board games (and yes, sometimes being trounced upon!).

