Giving Tuesday Campaign

Support SAA Fine Arts!

This year, we’re asking you to support the explosive growth of our Fine Arts program in our NEW HOME! As our enrollment grows, so too do the students taking advantage of our band, choir, and musical theater programs. Students are excelling creatively, learning new skills, and growing closer in friendship through these programs.

With your support, we can purchase foundational items for our performing arts – choral risers and portable studio mirrors – that will enhance our programs for decades to come.

Two Ways to Support St. Ambrose this Giving Tuesday

Option 1: Make an Online Donation!

Your online gift today directly supports the purchase of these foundational items for our performing arts. Gifts of all sizes matter!

Option 2: Eat at City Barbeque TODAY from 11:00 AM-8:00 PM

Head over to City Barbeque (7015 Sligo Drive, Madison) on December 3 between 11:00 AM-8:00 PM and make a difference! With every order you place, 25% will be donated to St. Ambrose Academy. Click the link below for the flyer to view the full details!

Our Giving Tuesday Goal

Three Choral Risers

Cost: $1,375 Each | Total: $4,125

As the choir program continues to grow, there is more and more necessity to have leveled risers during class. Especially with classes growing to 20-30 students, it is important for each student to have the opportunity to see the director while also standing in a place that best suits their voice. Some students sing best in the back of the class, and their visibility to the front of the room is impaired when students are standing.

By having risers, students will be able to practice singing as they would for a concert, and with portable risers, the students would be able to use the same risers for performance. During performance, the audience would be able to see all students with the levels the risers provide! 

Four Portable Studio Mirror Walls on Wheels

Cost: $1,275 each | Total: $5,100

As music is a performance art, it is imperative that students practice not only their singing, but their visual communication of the art. This includes practicing showing the emotion on their faces, having still and correctly postured bodies, and the best teacher is usually themselves. By having mirrors, students will be able to visually see what they are doing with their bodies during class and can improve upon these skills. The mirrors will also be portable, which means they are easy to turn around if they become distracting when not being used for their intended purpose. 

The mirrors would also be great tools when turned to the back as well. In the new large community room, the choir section will not be its own room, which could cause a distraction to students who see their lunchroom behind the teacher. The mirrors will provide that visual and physical barrier of a room divider, so students are more focused on their training.

The musical and drama students will also be using this space. Drama would especially benefit from real time feedback from the mirrors while they are performing. 

Fine Arts at St. Ambrose Academy: The Student Experience