Please review the parent and student guide linked below for more details about important changes to some procedures. Please continue to follow the instructions of the parking monitors and thank you for your patience as we work to ensure safety and efficiency in our parking area. This information is also available as a PDF to download/print at the bottom of this page.
Drop-Off, Pick-Up, Student Parking Update
Student parking will be in the two rows furthest from the Holy Name Heights building; drop-off and pick-up line will be between the two rows closest to the Holy Name Heights building.

Important Note About Entering and Exiting the Holy Name Property:
The City of Madison has imposed certain limitations on ingress and egress from the Holy Name Heights property to the adjacent streets to address traffic safety concerns. Please comply with all traffic direction signage. When you exit east to S High Point Rd, you may only turn right (south). U-turns in the High Point Woods lot east of S High Point are expressly forbidden. If you need to go north, please exit the west side of the property and then turn right (north).
Faculty, Visitor Parking
- Faculty and visitors should fill the spots in row 2 and the 10 overflow spots just north of the St. Ambrose Academy (SAA) entrance, marked in blue. In row 2, they should start with the spot furthest from the S High Point Rd entrance. They should leave no empty spots, parking in the spot next to an already parked car.
- If all of these spots are taken, faculty and visitors should park in the first available spot in rows 3 and 4. If no spots are available there, they should park in row 1.
Student Drop-off (7:30-7:50 AM):
- Enter the St. Ambrose Academy parking lot between rows 1 and 2 and follow the signs and parking monitor toward the St. Ambrose Academy school entrance.
- Drive as far forward in the drop-off and pick-up zone as possible and drop off students.
- Put cars in park while waiting for the line to move; if you will be sitting for more than a minute, please turn car off to reduce fumes.
- Wait until the car in front pulls off – there is no thru traffic in the drop-off & pick-up zone.
Student Pick-up (3:20-3:45 PM):
- Enter the SAA parking area between rows 1 and 2 and drive towards the St. Ambrose Academy school entrance.
- When the space between rows 1 and 2 is full, a parking monitor will signal drivers to stop in order to keep the “no idling zone” clear. If a car is in the no idling zone, the parking monitor will ask the car to loop around the one way circle and rejoin the car line.
- Drive as far forward in the drop-off and pick-up zone as possible and pick up students.
- Put cars in park while waiting for the line to move; if you will be sitting for more than a minute, please turn car off to reduce fumes.
- Wait until the car in front of you pulls off – there is no thru traffic in the drop-off & pick-up zone.
Student Drivers
- Student drivers will fill out a Student Driver Information Sheet. Student parking permits will be distributed based on need, distance traveled, and number in carpool.
- If students drive to school, they must park in the assigned SAA lot. Cars must display an SAA parking permit. Failure to display a parking permit may result in towing and/or loss of parking privileges.
- Driving over the posted speed limit on campus, reckless driving, honking of horns, littering, and going to cars during the school day without permission are violations. Inappropriate or irresponsible behavior in the parking lot or inconsiderate behavior can result in the loss of parking privileges in addition to regular disciplinary consequences.
- Parking is a privilege, and the school assumes no responsibility for any damage or destruction which may be caused to automobiles in the parking lots or for theft or damage to contents of an automobile.
Student Driver Arrival
- Students enter the SAA parking area between rows 3 and 4.
- Starting with the furthest spot from the SAA entrance in row 4, students park in the next available spot, leaving no empty spaces. When row 4 is full, they will park in row 3.
- If all spots are filled in the “Student Parking” area, students will loop around and park inrow 2 or 1, following parking monitor directions. They will fill any empty spots.
Student Driver Dismissal
- All student drivers will be dismissed at 3:20 PM, the usual school dismissal time.
- Students will exit towards the one-way area at the front of Holy Name Heights. They will follow the instructions of the parking monitor.
- Students may follow the one way and exit onto S High Point Rd or go towards the right and exit at S Junction Rd.