
Science Curriculum Overview

Science Courses at St. Ambrose Academy

St. Ambrose Senior High students are required to take three years of science for the Standard diploma and four years for the Classics diploma.  

The required courses are: 

  • Biology I (9th Grade)
  • Chemistry I (10th Grade)
  • Physics: Force and Motion or Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (11th/12th Grade)

Elective Courses that would count towards a Classics diploma include: 

  • Biology II
  • Chemistry II
  • Physics: Force and Motion (if not previously taken)
  • Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (if not previously taken)


Here are recommended prerequisites for the science courses listed above: 

CourseRecommended Prerequisites
Biology I 9th grade SAA student in good standing
Chemistry I Biology I and Algebra or Algebra I 
Physics: Force and Motion Chemistry I and Algebra II 
Physics: Electricity and Magnetism Chemistry I and Geometry 
Biology II Biology I with a grade of B or better 
Chemistry II Chemistry I with a grade of B or better 

Note that the two Physics courses have slightly different math prerequisites. In this case, students who are on a slower math trajectory would be directed more towards the Physics: Electricity and Magnetism course; however, a student who is taking Algebra II concurrently with Physics: Force & Motion and has received instruction in trigonometry should be able to manage the material in that course. 

Sample Course Tracks 

Students are free to depart from this curriculum track as circumstances arise. For example, students could take multiple science courses in 11th or 12th grade if their schedule allows for it. The following are some of the course tracks that could be possible for the highly motivated student aiming for a Classics diploma: 

It should also be possible for students with advanced math to accelerate their science courses, taking Physics in 10th grade and moving the flow of science courses forward a year. These are sample tracks, which can allow for variation.