Tag: Clubs

SAA Business Club Fundraiser at Toppers | February 12

Save the date! On Wed., Feb. 12, from 4:00 – 9:00 p.m., Toppers Madison West location (7850 Mineral Point Rd, Madison) will donate 20% of pizza sales that evening. Spread the word and make a visit!

Funds raised will go to a new SAA Business Club Fund that the club is starting at the Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation. This fund will help current students and alumni with expenses related to starting a business through a grant application process.

Business Club members will be making a field trip to the location that day to hear from the CEO and management team members to learn about the business model. Parents of students who sign up to go during study hall will be contacted through your FACTS account to sign a permission slip.

Cheer Club

St. Ambrose Academy is glad to form a cheer club, which will be under the direction of Ms. Abby Thompson (sister of Sophomore El Thompson). This cheer squad will work to learn cheers and stunts to perform at St. Ambrose athletic competitions and hopes to start doing so in January at basketball games.

The cheer club will have their first meeting and introductory practice in the gym on Tue., Dec. 3 from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. The second practice will be in room 118 on Thu., Dec. 5, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. followed by a parent meeting. If you did not go to the cheer club student interest meeting, you are more than welcome to come to the first practice. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Thompson via e-mail.

Cheer Club

St. Ambrose Academy is glad to form a cheer club, which will be under the direction of Ms. Abby Thompson (sister of Sophomore El Thompson). This cheer squad will work to learn cheers and stunts to perform at St. Ambrose athletic competitions and hopes to start doing so in January at basketball games.

The cheer club will have their first meeting and introductory practice in the gym on Tue., Dec. 3 from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. The second practice will be in room 118 on Thu., Dec. 5, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. followed by a parent meeting. If you did not go to the cheer club student interest meeting, you are more than welcome to come to the first practice. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Thompson via e-mail.

NEW! Return of the Film Club! | November 11

Film Club returns for 2024-25, offering several series on various stars of Hollywood, seeking to examine the breadth of their talent. We begin with Humphrey Bogart! And what better place to start than Casablanca? If your children (or you) don’t know who Humphrey Bogart is, it could be “the start of a beautiful friendship” or maybe it “won’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world,” but this 1944 Oscar Winner for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Writer (along with 4 more nominations!) is a must-see classic for anyone hoping to be remotely cine-literate. Rated PG for “mild violence” and “alcohol and smoking” (it is set in a bar in WWII), younger students are welcome but may not appreciate the dilemma that the film examines. The IMDB parent’s guide can be found below.


Please encourage your students to stay after school on Mon., Nov. 11. The runtime is 1 hour 42 minutes so the showing will finish by 5:00 p.m. Room TBD. Parents are welcome to join.

Casablanca Parental Guide

Film Club | May 9

HIGH SCHOOL ONLY – Come too room 112 THIS Thu., May 9 at 3:30 p.m. to enjoy the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Rear Window” (1954) starring Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly! “Rear Window” follows a photographer confined to a wheelchair following an accident who gets caught up in the lives of his neighbors in the apartments across the street, and fears that one of them may have murdered his own wife. It is an excellent introduction to Alfred Hitchcock, the “Master of Suspense,” who can make the most mundane actions seem threatening and intense. Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly were two of the greatest film starts of their day. Run-time is 1hr 52 minutes.

While this movie is rated PG-13 it is intended for adults. Hitchcock’s whole genius is in creating high levels of tension in otherwise ordinary circumstances. There are also a few scenes that JH students may lack the maturity to process. Parents are advised to review the IMBD parental guide which explains in detail any scenes that might be too much for younger audiences.

Rear Window IMBD Parent Guide


Guardians For Life | February 14

Guardians for Life will be praying outside of Planned Parenthood (3706 Orin Rd) NEXT Wed., Feb. 14, from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 p.m. All students and families/friends are welcome to join.

Film Club | January 25

Next meeting of the Film Club will be Thu., Jan. 11 after school, beginning at 3:30pm. This month’s showing is The General. One of the most revered comedies of the silent era, this film finds hapless Southern railroad engineer Johnny Gray (Buster Keaton) facing off against Union soldiers during the American Civil War. When Johnny’s fiancée, Annabelle Lee (Marion Mack), is accidentally taken away while on a train stolen by Northern forces, Gray pursues the soldiers, using various modes of transportation in comic action scenes that highlight Keaton’s boundless wit and dexterity.

Movie runtime is approximately 1hr 15min, so pick-up will be around 4:45 p.m.

NO FILM CLUB tomorrow Thursday Jan.11, 2024!

Attention parents! Thursday’s after-school Film Club has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 25th.

Please pick up your students as normal tomorrow, Thursday, 1/11.

Sorry for the short notice!

Film Club | January 11

Next meeting of the Film Club will be Thu., Jan. 11 after school, beginning at 3:30pm. This month’s showing is The General. One of the most revered comedies of the silent era, this film finds hapless Southern railroad engineer Johnny Gray (Buster Keaton) facing off against Union soldiers during the American Civil War. When Johnny’s fiancée, Annabelle Lee (Marion Mack), is accidentally taken away while on a train stolen by Northern forces, Gray pursues the soldiers, using various modes of transportation in comic action scenes that highlight Keaton’s boundless wit and dexterity.

Movie runtime is approximately 1hr 15min, so pick-up will be around 4:45 p.m.

Classic Film Club | November 16

Inviting students to broaden their horizons and cultural knowledge, SAA is starting a Classic Film Club. All films will be shown immediately after school in room 112 on Thursdays (Dr. Nielsen monitoring and leading discussion).

This Thursday’s film is the classic comedy “His Girl Friday” starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel (1940; running time 92 minutes; not-rated). Junior High students are welcome, though parents should consider whether or not they are mature enough to understand and enjoy the film.

Music Practice Club

Music Practice Club meets every Monday during Recess time (11:55). If your student is interested in practicing their instrument, or they want to try a new instrument, they can do it at that time.