Tag: Senior High

Per the email from Coach Delgado on 5/19/2024:

“Our first game will be the regional semi final against St. Mary Springs at the soccer stadium at Marian University. Game time is still TBD but it will be on Thursday May 30th. Once we receive more information from St. Mary Springs I will pass it on to you all ASAP.”

Dear parents of St. Ambrose Academy,

Because we have enough founds, the Home and School Connection will be providing Hot Lunch tomorrow Tuesday May 21st. to all students.

Parents will be serving hot dogs and brats for everyone who wants a hot lunch, otherwise they can bring their cold lunch as usual.

Please note this special lunch if free of cost.

Thank you!

Per Coach Benny’s email on 5/13/24: “I’m feeling really under the weather today and I’m not feeling well enough to be able to do practice today. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, I’m just trying to feel better at least for the games this week so we’re not scrambling due to me not feeling well for these games. Thank you for your understanding and understanding.”

Uniform Exchange – Part 1 | May 20 – 22

A table will be available outside during final exams next Mon., May 20 and Tue., May 21 for parents or students to leave unneeded uniform components that they wish to add into the Uniform Exchange for next fall. Skirts, pants, oxford shirts, polo shirts, sweater vests, cardigan sweaters, and fleeces are welcome. Please make sure all items are clean, in good repair, and conform to uniform guidelines. Part 2 of the Uniform Exchange will take place during registration toward the end of summer.

We need volunteers for Monday (05/20) and Tuesday (05/21) mornings AND afternoons in order to run the exchange. Sign up here: St. Ambrose Academy Volunteers: SAA Home and School Connection 2023-2024 (

Please make sure your student brings in the textbook for each of their classes Mon. May 20, Tue. May 21, and Wed., May 22. All students must turn in their textbook before their final exam in each class.

Parents will be contacted if a student does not turn in their book and may be charged if not turned in by Wednesday.

Film Club | May 9

HIGH SCHOOL ONLY – Come too room 112 THIS Thu., May 9 at 3:30 p.m. to enjoy the Alfred Hitchcock classic “Rear Window” (1954) starring Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly! “Rear Window” follows a photographer confined to a wheelchair following an accident who gets caught up in the lives of his neighbors in the apartments across the street, and fears that one of them may have murdered his own wife. It is an excellent introduction to Alfred Hitchcock, the “Master of Suspense,” who can make the most mundane actions seem threatening and intense. Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly were two of the greatest film starts of their day. Run-time is 1hr 52 minutes.

While this movie is rated PG-13 it is intended for adults. Hitchcock’s whole genius is in creating high levels of tension in otherwise ordinary circumstances. There are also a few scenes that JH students may lack the maturity to process. Parents are advised to review the IMBD parental guide which explains in detail any scenes that might be too much for younger audiences.

Rear Window IMBD Parent Guide


  • (Rescheduled from 04-26-24)

    • Tuesday, May 14, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. Mount Horeb @ Mount Horeb Middle School
      Location Details:
      Mount Horeb High School – MS/Varsity Softball Diamond
    • Location: Mount Horeb Middle School
    • 900 East Garfield Street
    • Mt Horeb, WI 53572
    • Phone: (608) 437-2400
    • Email:

    • Thursday, May 9, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. DeForest @ DeForest High School
      Location Details:
      DeForest Area High School – Softball Varsity Field
    • Location: DeForest High School
    • 815 Jefferson Street
    • DeForest, WI 53532
    • Phone: 608-842-6600

    • Monday, May 6, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. Sauk Prairie @ Sauk Prairie High School
      Location Details:
      Outdoor Campus SPSD – JV Softball Diamond
    • Location: Sauk Prairie High School
    • 105 9th Street
    • Prairie Du Sac, WI 53578
    • Phone: 608-643-5900
    • Email:

First Friday All-Day Eucharistic Adoration | May 3

Our last opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., May 3.

If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., May 3. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.

If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.

We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., Apr. 19.

If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., Apr. 19. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.

If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.

Our May all-day Adoration day will be the last of this school year.

Parents of Ambrosians,

This is your friendly reminder that course selection deadline is this Friday, April 12. Course selection can be accessed through your FACTS account under your student’s name.

Rising Freshmen and Sophomores will be choosing their Fine Arts Elective as well as indicating their level in Math and Latin.

Rising Juniors and Seniors will be indicating their level in Math and Latin (if applicable) and whether they would like to be in the Humanities honors sections (if not, they do not have to choose English, Religion, or History; they will automatically be enrolled in the standard sections of those courses). They will also choose a Science course as well as an elective. Juniors and Seniors taking 5 core courses should sign up for two electives; Juniors and Seniors taking 6 core courses should sign up for one elective. If your Junior or Senior is taking 7 core courses, the elective requirement can be waived.

Contact Mary Skemp at if you have any questions.

Thank you, Mary Skemp, Dean of Students, St. Ambrose Academy