AA’s Going to a 2025 Steubenville ConferenceSt. Ambrose is going to a Steubenville Conference next summer! We’ve heard the parent and student requests and are excited to begin offering this option for students to attend.
Who: Any students currently in grades 8-12 When: July 11-14, 2025 Where: Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio What: These conferences are designed to help teens strengthen their faith and live as joyful disciples of Christ. The conferences include speakers, prayer, Mass, music, small group discussions, and fellowship. They are a blast! Cost: $350/student (this includes all meals, lodging on campus, transportation, entrance into the conference, and a t-shirt). A $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration. We will work with everyone on fundraising the rest, if you wish to fundraise! Registration due: Tue., Oct 15 by the end of the day.
Please see registration linked below form. We recognize this is short notice, so please contact Penina Boros if the deposit poses a difficulty to your family. Additional information: The conference itself is from July 11-13. We will be staying another night in the area to process the retreat and spend some time together and will be returning Mon., July 14, by the end of the day. Steubenville conferences can be incredibly impactful for teens and many people attribute these conferences to their conversions. Please contact Penina Boros with any questions and check out the Steubenville Conferences website for more details. |
Oct. 9, is the Feast of Our Lady of Champion. In Her honor, we will have a Mass THIS Thu., Oct. 10 at 8:05 a.m.. All families are invited to join us. Please use the main Holy Name Heights entrance no earlier than 8:00 a.m. Please don’t forget your Oratory Pass!
Mass with Bishop Hying on Thu., Sep 5
We are blessed to have Bishop Hying celebrate the Holy Mass for us this Thursday to kick off our new school year! Parents are welcome to join, using the Oratory Pass you were given at Registration Day in your red folder.
For this and all other SAA Masses held in the Holy Name Heights (HNH) Oratory of Holy Name Heights, please come to the HNH main entrance with your Oratory Pass.
Edmund Joy |
Joey Lancaster |
Luke Shumacher |
Sam Zakrzewski |
Matthew Hodkiewicz |
Isaiah Heller |
Jonathan Simon |
Nico Pietranik |
Thomas Joy |
John Paul Draves |
Nico Antonio |
David Simon |
Michael Schmiesing |
Sam Bugni |
John Tejeda |
Daniel Nornberg |
Andrew Gillett |
Samuel Hineline |
Isaac Yanez |
Simon Draves |
Jacob Sturm |
Peter Karlen |
Sully McBain |
Eloise Anderson |
Marian Haun |
Monica Speece |
Natalie Parker |
Hannah Freng |
Grace Zellner |
Katherine Nornberg |
Kateri Zimmerman |
Bridget Tejeda |
Andrea Yanez |
Lucy Tejeda |
Serena Fleming |
Monica Gillett |
Elizabeth Schumacher |
Anna Haun |
Adie Hartberg |
Juney Westby |
Lilly Zellner |
Penny Schell |
Elizabeth Carrano |
Magdalen Simon |
I am emailing to remind student discipleship leaders and their parents about training dates with Jason Simon and the discipleship team. We’re so glad that your student has taken on this responsibility to lead their classmates in the pursuit of following Christ. This will be a time for Jason, myself, and Ms. Boros to galvanize the troops and prepare them for their role ahead in helping to shape the spiritual life of our student body.
Training Dates: Aug. 15th and 22nd from 6-9 pm at St. Ambrose Academy.
Details about drop off: When you arrive at St. Ambrose Academy, drive up to the North side of the school (right side facing the school). I will be outside directing students where to go.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
In Christ,
Mr. Roser
Check out the link below to sign up for an hour of prayer during our monthly All-Day Adoration! The next All-Day Adoration is Friday, Nov. 8 and there are two slots open. |
NEW! First Friday Rosary & Adoration | October 4
If you would like to join us for the Rosary, please remember to grab your Oratory Pass, and go through the main Holy Name Heights entrance to arrive in the HNH Oratory at 7:40 a.m. on Fri., Oct. 4. Please click below for full information regarding First Friday procedures. |
Notes About First Friday Rosary & Adoration | October 4
Please read below for some clarification for parents and families coming to pray the rosary, attend the 8:05 a.m. Mass or joining for Eucharistic Adoration in the St. Joan of Arc Oratory.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but it was not possible to organize the opportunity for all-day Adoration this Friday of the first week of classes. We look forward to seeing parent volunteers who wish to spend time with Our Lord the first Friday of October! God bless you and your families!
Our last opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., May 3.
If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., May 3. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.
If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.
We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day THIS Fri., Apr. 19.
If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., Apr. 19. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.
If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik.
Our May all-day Adoration day will be the last of this school year.
On Monday, April 8, the 11th and 12th grade students will be going to St. Mary’s church, Pine Bluff, to participate in a Traditional Latin Mass for the feast of the Annunciation in connection with their study of the Sacred Liturgy in Religion III.
Students will be dismissed early from their block 3 classes at 1:10pm for immediate departure by school vans.
Mass begins at 1:30pm and ends around 3:00pm. All students will return to school by 3:20pm for end-of-day dismissal. There will be no extra cost for this.
Our entire school grades 6–12 will be making a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Blessed Mother at Holy Hill on Friday, April 12 from 8am – 3:20pm with the whole faculty/staff of St. Ambrose.
It is a day-long pilgrimage, with the opportunity to pray a rosary with the Carmelites, attend Mass, eat a picnic lunch, and have spiritual free time to pray within the basilica, in the shrine chapel, or at the outdoor stations of the cross. Attendance at the retreat is expected for all students.
This trip will cost $20 and will be billed though FACTS
**Be sure to send a packed cold lunch suitable for an outdoor picnic**
We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day next Fri., Mar. 1.
If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. Fri., Mar. 1. Rosaries conclude by the first bell, so any students who wish to join us for prayer will not be late for homeroom. The Rosary will be followed by Mass, after which Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar.
Adorers are needed throughout that day. If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik, Director of Student Ministries.
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following morning Mass and until the end of the school day.
THIS Fri., Feb. 9, we will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day.
If you and/or your student(s) would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. THIS Fri., Feb. 9. The Rosary will be followed by Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar following the Mass.
Adorers are needed throughout the day. If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik, Director of Student Ministires.
We begin with a cooperative mass at St. Maria Goretti with the SMG school at 8am. Msgr. Holmes will say a special mass for the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas), and then all students will drive or be transported to Keva Sports Center for the rest of the day. At Keva, students will play organized and pick-up sports games; board games and cards will also be available.
Students must come to mass at SMG in their uniform (dress or regular) and bring appropriate clothing and footwear to change into for Keva. DROP OFF will be at St. Maria Goretti (5313 Flad Avenue, Madison) beginning at 7:30am. Students must bring a sack lunch which does not require microwaving. They may also want to bring money for the concession stand, which will be open for a few hours. Senior High Students who drive a vehicle or carpool to SMG will drive to Keva after mass, and then depart from Keva at the end of the day. Drivers/Volunteers are needed! please sign up at the link below! |
Update per the SAA e-Newsletter on 1/9/2024: “The SAA Parent Disciple-Makers Workshop scheduled for Wednesday evening, January 10, is cancelled given that we will be between two major storm systems.”
Parents are called and graced to do more than raise their kids in faith. They are called to the Great Commission, to make their kids into disciples for the rest of their lives. We do our best. We love them, we pray for them, we set healthy boundaries, and actively form their character. What else can we do to make them into disciples of Jesus?
These workshops will equip parents with practical strategies to strengthen the discipleship environment of their home, lead their kids deeper in personal faith, and be even more intentional in apprenticing them as disciples.
We will have the opportunity to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist in our oratory for the full school day.
If you would like to join us for the Rosary, please arrive in the St. Joseph Oratory at 7:40 a.m. on Fri., Nov. 3. The Rosary will be followed by The Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer. Our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on the altar following Morning Prayer.
Adorers are needed throughout the day. If you are available to stay with Our Lord for an hour, please contact Dr. Geoffrey Ludvik, Director of Student Ministires.
Dress Like a Saint Day! | Tuesday Oct 31
On Tuesday, October 31, we are bringing back our Dress Like a Saint Day!
In honor of the Feast of All Saints, students may come to school dressed as a saint of their choosing. They should also be prepared to tell us about their saint! Modern saints & blesseds are allowed, but a word of warning: Students who use this treat as an opportunity to “dress down” will be given a demerit at the discretion of their teachers. Encourage your student to put together a great costume!
Dear St. Ambrose Academy community,
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land on Tuesday, October 17.
See https://www.lpj.org/posts/a-day-of-fasting-and-prayer.html. Please spread the word and participate as you are able “to deliver to God the Father our thirst for peace, justice, and reconciliation,” in the words of Cardinal Pizzaballa.
On a more private note: you’ve probably seen in the news that the Holy Father is in touch with Father Gabriel Romanelli, the pastor of Holy Family Church, the only Catholic parish in Gaza.
Several St. Ambrose Academy community members belong to the international papal Order that supports the charitable works of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and we support this parish in Gaza directly. I will paste in some photos below from Holy Family School’s recent summer camp, sent to us by our contact with the school, Jeff Abood. We are told that Father Romanelli is currently in Bethlehem and is unable to get to Gaza, but we heard through Abeer Hanna, the LPJ Holy Family school administrator, that Father Romanelli’s assistant Father Yousef, who is in Gaza, contacted him yesterday with the following message:
“There are 15 families now living in the convent. He told us that most of the family’s homes were destroyed while they were in the convent. The situation in the convent is difficult as they are now suffering from lack of food, water, petrol for the generator as the electricity is cut off. We pray and hope the war ends soon. Thank you for your sympathy and love.” – Father Yousef, Holy Family Church, as relayed by Abeer Hanna, LPJ school administrator who oversees Holy Family school
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
Your sister in Christ,
Joan Carey, Executive Director, St. Ambrose Academy
“Since he is not the God of disorder but of peace” (1 Cor. 14,33)
Dear brothers and sisters,
May the Lord indeed give us His peace!
The pain and dismay at what is happening is great. Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of a political and military crisis. We have suddenly been catapulted into a sea of unprecedented violence. The hatred, which we have unfortunately already been experiencing for too long, will increase even more, and the ensuing spiral of violence will create more destruction. Everything seems to speak of death.
Yet, in this time of sorrow and dismay, we do not want to remain helpless. We cannot let death and its sting (1 Cor 15:55) be the only word we hear.
That is why we feel the need to pray, to turn our hearts to God the Father. Only in this way we can draw the strength and serenity needed to endure these hard times, by turning to Him, in prayer and intercession, to implore and cry out to God amidst this anguish.
On behalf of all the Ordinaries of the Holy Land, I invite all parishes and religious communities to a day of fasting and prayer for peace and reconciliation.
We ask that on Tuesday, October 17, everyone hold a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer. Let us organize prayer times with Eucharistic adoration and with the recitation of the Rosary to Our Blessed Virgin Mary. Although most probably in many parts of our diocese’s circumstances will not permit large gatherings, it is possible to organize simple and sober common moments of prayer in parishes, religious communities, and families.
This is the way we all come together despite everything, and unite collectively in prayer, to deliver to God the Father our thirst for peace, justice, and reconciliation.
With sincere prayers for all,
+Pierbattista Card. Pizzaballa
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
President of the ACOHL
Miss Klinkhammer’s Consecration | December 22The Most Reverend Donald J. Hying, Bishop of Madison, invites you to share the Church’s joy as Theresa Marie Loretta Klinkhammer is consecrated to a life of Virginity lived in the world on Friday, December 22, 2023 at 11 am at Saint Maria Goretti Church. Adoration and confessions will be available from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. A reception will follow in the Please RSVP with your prayer requests and spiritual bouquet for Bishop Please rsvp so there is enough food.. Click the link below for more information, and to RSVP. We are moving the last exam on Fri., Dec. 22 to the last period on Tue., Dec. 19. This will allow all students and families from SAA to attend if they would like. |
This fall marks two decades as a school community and we invite you to join us for a special all-school Mass at Holy Name Heights, followed by a breakfast for you, our faithful alumni, friends, and supporters who make this mission possible.
Join us on Monday, October 9, 2023 at 8:00 AM for Mass with breakfast to follow.
RSVP soon because space is limited.
We hope you’re able to join us as we mark this milestone. Thank you for being a part of St. Ambrose Academy’s story!
Dear St. Ambrose Academy Junior High Parents,
We just want to send you a reminder that tomorrow Friday October 6, 2023, your
student will be going to Camp Gray for their Junior High Retreat.
Student will be coming to school at the regular time (8am). They ‘ll be reporting to
their Homeroom teachers and they will be going to the Oratory to pray the Litany
of the Hours.
Around 8:45am, they will be going into their bus or a van to go to Camp Gray.
Pick up time will be here at SAA at 5pm.
Make sure they bring their usual cold lunch.
They can wear comfortable clothes and shoes. There’s no need to wear uniform.
Please ask them to bring the following:
Bible/spiritual reading
Coat/hat (if it is cold)
Water bottle
Packed lunch
Thank you and let us know if you have any questions.
Ivonne Blahnik
In The Community
You’re invited to a special showing of Tolton, the inspiring, challenging true story of the man who overcame great adversity in order to become the first African-American Catholic priest.
Fr. Tolton’s cause for canonization was opened and has currently passed several benchmarks in the canonization process. Fr. Tolton’s story is one that shouldn’t be missed as we look back on a remarkable life and the difficult history of racism experienced in the Catholic Church and our country. Members of the St. Ambrose Academy community have coordinated to bring this production to Madison and we encourage you to attend.
Monday, October 9 | 7:00PM
Holy Name Heights | 702 South High Point Rd, Madison
All Saints Party | November 4
Since 2004, the All Saints Party has been hosted to fundraise for the March for Life Trip that St. Ambrose seniors take annually. It is also a lot of FUN as individuals, couples, and families come together to celebrate our community, friendships, and wonderful autumn weather and as a way to “live liturgically” by celebrating beautiful feasts together. All are welcome, so please invite other families and friends to join in this community-wide event! |
Please come and celebrate the Saints and help to raise money to send this year’s St. Ambrose Seniors to the March for Life in Washington, DC in January 2024.
Visit the Sign-Up Genius to sign up for a potluck item and parent help, also scroll down to the end to estimate attendance for the party, including number of adults and children. Pray for successful fundraising and a fun celebration!
Potluck food should be brought to the location before dinner time 4:30 pm. Thank you.
Suggested Freewill Offering $25.00/family-$10.00/individual. Pay cash or check before the event or at the event at dinner time. Checks can be made out to St. Ambrose Academy memo Saints Party donation.
Bring lawn chairs if you’d like.
Thank you for your support and generosity. We hope to see you all there!
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following morning Mass and until the end of the school day.
Parents are called and graced to do more than raise their kids in faith. They are called to the Great Commission, to make their kids into disciples for the rest of their lives. We do our best. We love them, we pray for them, we set healthy boundaries, and actively form their character. What else can we do to make them into disciples of Jesus?
These workshops will equip parents with practical strategies to strengthen the discipleship environment of their home, lead their kids deeper in personal faith, and be even more intentional in apprenticing them as disciples.
Unite your intentions by praying the Rosary with other parents in the Oratory. A brief period of intercessory prayer will also take place after the rosary.
All upperclassmen girls (grades 11 and 12) are invited to a morning retreat at St. Paul’s University Catholic Center on Thu., Aug.17 from 8:00 a.m. to around 1:15 p.m., including Noon Mass followed by lunch. A small breakfast will also be provided, and confessions will be available.
This retreat is intended as a chance to draw close to the Lord before the school year begins, as well as to begin the process of planning a similar retreat for the 9th and 10th grade girls at the end of the month.
Please RSVP using the Microsoft Form linked here. Any other questions can be sent to Katie Behrens (katie.behrens@ambroseacademy.org). Please see a separate email from 8/5 for more details.
Get to know St. Ambrose Academy through presentations made by our talented faculty! RSVP or share questions: carolyn.averill@ambroseacademy.org.
Graduation Day, Sunday, May 26th – 723 State Street
12:00 p.m.
● Seniors are to meet Mrs. Blahnik at St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center lobby by 12:00 noon. Students – Please bring your cap and gown, cords, medals, and tassels to be stored in the Newman Center for graduation.
1:00pm Mass
● Parents and families are to arrive at the church starting at 12:30pm.
● This Mass fulfills your weekly obligation.
2:00pm Graduation Ceremony – Newman Hall – 5th floor
● After Mass, graduates will leave the Mass first and go to the Newman Hall, 5th floor to prepare for graduation.
● Once the graduates have left, families can then follow to the 5th floor by taking the elevator or stairs.
● Families will be greeted by Mrs. Hineline and handed a program.
● Families can then head into Newman Hall and Mrs. Blahnik will usher your family to your seat which is assigned seating by last name on the chairs.
● The ceremony will not be livestreamed.
After the graduation, cake, lemonade, and water will be served. Photos of the graduates will be taken in Newman Hall or out on the balcony if weather permits.
Congratulations to the class of 2024!
National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is coming up fast! This annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States allows us to focus on the value that Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities, and our nation.
Here at St. Ambrose Academy, we’re celebrating by asking classes (grades) to work together in 3 ways: themed dress or costume days, a Penny War fundraiser, and Game Day (Fri., Feb. 2). We will begin Game Day with a mass at St. Maria Goretti and the rest of the day playing sports and games at Keva Sports Center. More information coming soon regarding Game Day.
Here are the themed dress/costume days:
Senior High Camp Gray Overnight RetreatWhile our Seniors are at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. (Tue., Jan 16 – Sun., Jan 21), students in grades 9 – 11 will be attending an overnight retreat at Camp Gray on Thu., Jan. 18 – Fri., Jan. 19. Parents need to log into their FACTS Family Portal to complete permission slip. The Camp Gray Waiver form you can find it here or your student can bring one home. The cost of the retreat is $90 per student (billed through FACTS) We are in need of at least ten chaperones for this retreat. Please click the link below to sign up to chaperone. This is an awesome way to get a big portion of your service hours covered!
At the close of the 1st. quarter, the students at St. Ambrose Academy will have an opportunity to participate in a service day in order to take our Gospel call to service and our love of Christ out into the community. On Friday, October 20, 2023 groups of students will be out in the Madison area working at crisis pregnancy centers, stocking food pantries, or just raking the lawn for retired religious. This is a required school-day activity for all of the students – please do not opt out unless it is a previously planned absence. Please complete the following form to give your student(s) permission to be taken off campus in the vehicle of a SAA staff member or parent.
Students will meet at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church (5405 Flad Ave. Madison, WI 53711) from 7:30am and NO later than 8am to attend 8:00am Mass.
Pick up time will be at 3:15pm at St. Maria Goretti.
Please consider chaperoning, we need a lot of volunteer parents. Please indicate on the bottom of this form or go to the SAA sign-up genius. Thank you!
Notes: Students can wear their work day clothes for Mass. They should bring a bag lunch unless directed otherwise.
As parent or legal guardian, you remain fully responsible for any legal responsibility that may result from any personal actions taken by your child.
Service Day Reminders | October 20
Service Day is THIS Fri., Oct. 20. Please take note of the following:
Items to bring: work gloves, work clothes, snack, water bottle, and lunch. Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather, and in accordance with our non-uniform dress code (p. 46, Student Handbook)!
A photograph of the entire student body will also be taken after Mass on the Holy Name Heights property!
Per email sent on 10/5/2023: