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Senior High Philosophy

Ancient Philosophy

This course focuses on the greatest of the ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle. Smaller selections of the Roman philosophers Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Cicero are also included. The course culminates in a close reading of the classic work On the Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius.

Advanced Logic

This course is a continuation of the study of formal logic that is offered as part of the Cycle II Religion course. Students will review the basic laws of logic, but with a much deeper exploration of its philosophical foundations in the nature of the human mind and the nature of truth itself. More advanced and complex forms of argument will also be learned, analyzed, and practiced.

Medieval Philosophy

The focus of this course is on the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, giving students the opportunity to delve much more deeply into Thomistic metaphysics, natural theology, ethics, psychology, and more.

Modern Philosophy

Unlike most modern philosophy courses, which focus on the writings of those who have had the greatest influence on modern thought, this course focuses on writers such as C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton who have made the most interesting contributions to philosophy from a Christian point of view.

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