Join the St. Ambrose Academy Waiting List!
One of the benefits of a St. Ambrose education is the close-knit community that our school offers. You can become part of that community long before your son or daughter enrolls by joining the no-obligation St. Ambrose Academy Active Waiting List. Whether your son or daughter is a member of the graduating class of 2030 or 2040, here are some of the benefits to having your child(ren) added to the list early:
Admission Preference: We seek to provide an education in faith to all applicants. But, as enrollment grows and there may be years when classes have enrollment caps. Although a position on the waiting list does not guarantee admission, it does give a child priority over students added later to the waiting list or who are not on the waiting list, subject to Admissions Committee evaluation.
Important Updates: Receive the St. Ambrose Academy email updates and a quarterly printed newsletter to stay informed of developments at your child’s future school. St. Ambrose Academy is growing each year in enrollment and educational opportunities. By following the growth in the school, you will be better prepared for your child’s entrance and better able to share the incredible things happening with family and friends.
Make an Impact: Active Waiting List families have the opportunity to meet with St. Ambrose Academy’s Head of School to help influence the direction of the school’s development. The administration is pleased to meet with parents of students on the waiting list and to receive their input on their child(ren)’s present and future needs for an education in faith. This sort of participation can help to guide the school in fulfilling its mission.