Chapter 1: Earth in Space
- An Introduction to Earth Science
- Earth in the Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe
- Earth’s Orbit and the Seasons
- Phases of the Moon
- Eclipses
- Calendars
Chapter 2: Visualizing Earth
- Locations on Earth
- Map Projections and the Shape of Earth
- Remote Sensing
- Mapping Earth
Chapter 3: Things About Earth
- The Cycle of Scientific Enterprise in Earth Sciences
- Experimental Science and Historical Science
- Challenges in Studying Earth
- Christianity and the Earth Sciences
- Stewardship of Earth
Chapter 4: Matter and Minerals
- Atoms, Elements, and Crystals
- Minerals
- Mineral Properties and Identification
- Mineral Resources
Chapter 5: Rocks and the Rock Cycle
- The Rock Cycle
- Igneous Rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- Energy Resources
Chapter 6: Plate Tectonics and Mountain Building
- Continental Drift
- The Ocean Floor
- Seafloor Spreading
- Plate Tectonics
- Mountains
Chapter 7: Volcanoes and Earthquakes
- Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
- Volcanoes
- Igneous Intrusions
- Earthquakes
- Earthquake Damage
- The Interior of the Earth
Chapter 8: Weathering, Erosion, and Soils
- Mechanical and Chemical Weathering
- Erosion
- Soils
Chapter 9: Surface Water and Groundwater
- The Hydrologic Cycle
- Streams
- Stream Landforms
- Groundwater
Chapter 10: Landforms
- Landforms Caused by Mass Movement
- Desert Landforms
- Glaciers
- Glaciation in Earth’s Past
Chapter 11: Unraveling Earth History
- Geologic Time
- Relative Age
- Fossils
- Absolute Dating
- Sedimentary Environments
- An Overview of Earth History
Chapter 12: Oceanography
- The Oceans
- Seawater
- Currents and Waves
- Tides
- Marine Life
- Shorelines
Chapter 13: The Atmosphere
- The Composition and Structure of Earth’s Atmosphere
- Properties of the Atmosphere
- Energy and Water in the Atmosphere
- Circulation of the Atmosphere
Chapter 14: Weather
- Clouds and Precipitation
- Air Masses and Fronts
- Weather Forecasts
- Severe Weather
Chapter 15: Climate and Air Pollution
- Climate
- Classification of Climates
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution