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Game Day

February 2, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Please log into your FACTS account to find a new permission form for the final day of Catholic Schools Week – Game Day!

We will celebrate the end of Catholic Schools Week with our annual Game Day on Friday, February 2nd.

We begin with a cooperative mass at St. Maria Goretti with the SMG school at 8am. Msgr. Holmes will say a special mass for the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas), and then all students will drive or be transported to Keva Sports Center for the rest of the day. At Keva, students will play organized and pick-up sports games; board games and cards will also be available.

Students must come to mass at SMG in their uniform (dress or regular) and bring appropriate clothing and footwear to change into for Keva.

DROP OFF will be at St. Maria Goretti (5313 Flad Avenue, Madison) beginning at 7:30am.
PICKUP WILL BE AT KEVA Sports Center (8312 (Forsythia St., Middleton) at 3:15.
Students who are not picked up by 3:30 will be brought back to SAA for Pickup until 4:00.

Students must bring a sack lunch which does not require microwaving. They may also want to bring money for the concession stand, which will be open for a few hours.

Senior High Students who drive a vehicle or carpool to SMG will drive to Keva after mass, and then depart from Keva at the end of the day.

Drivers/Volunteers are needed! please sign up at the link below!

Game Day Volunteers



February 2, 2024
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:
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8312 Forsythia St.
Middleton, WI 53562 United States
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