Tag: Varsity

Per the email from Coach Delgado on 5/19/2024:

“Our first game will be the regional semi final against St. Mary Springs at the soccer stadium at Marian University. Game time is still TBD but it will be on Thursday May 30th. Once we receive more information from St. Mary Springs I will pass it on to you all ASAP.”

Per Coach Benny’s email on 5/13/24: “I’m feeling really under the weather today and I’m not feeling well enough to be able to do practice today. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, I’m just trying to feel better at least for the games this week so we’re not scrambling due to me not feeling well for these games. Thank you for your understanding and understanding.”

  • (Rescheduled from 04-26-24)

    • Tuesday, May 14, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. Mount Horeb @ Mount Horeb Middle School
      Location Details:
      Mount Horeb High School – MS/Varsity Softball Diamond
    • Location: Mount Horeb Middle School
    • 900 East Garfield Street
    • Mt Horeb, WI 53572
    • Phone: (608) 437-2400
    • Email:

    • Thursday, May 9, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. DeForest @ DeForest High School
      Location Details:
      DeForest Area High School – Softball Varsity Field
    • Location: DeForest High School
    • 815 Jefferson Street
    • DeForest, WI 53532
    • Phone: 608-842-6600

    • Monday, May 6, 2024 Time 5:00pm – 7:00pm
    • vs. Sauk Prairie @ Sauk Prairie High School
      Location Details:
      Outdoor Campus SPSD – JV Softball Diamond
    • Location: Sauk Prairie High School
    • 105 9th Street
    • Prairie Du Sac, WI 53578
    • Phone: 608-643-5900
    • Email:

Per Coach Zwettler’s Team Linkt email on 2/28/2024:

Good morning everyone, first off Thank you so much for your support of the new SAA boys basketball program. Last night was a tough one to lose, but we fought hard and played our hearts out!! We should hold our heads up high and be proud of what we did not only last night, but for the whole season! Thank you to the Seniors, I wish you the best of luck in the future.

Having said that, I want to let you know that I want to meet with the team and collect uniforms this Sunday at 11:15 at St. Ambrose. The players need to bring the following:

Uniforms, backpack, warm up top

They can keep the joggers, t-shirts, practice gear and pullover.

Please let me know if you CAN’T MAKE IT!! We should be done by noon at the latest!!

Thank you,

Coach Z

Spring Sports Registration and Parent Meeting

From our athletic partners at ALCS:

Hello High School Students and Parents!


It’s kind of hard to believe, but it is time to begin thinking about High School Spring Sports. Here are the Sports that our athletes can participate in this Spring, along with a couple other details. Team Meetings and Game/Meet/Invite schedules will be forthcoming.

  • The deadline for registration is Fri., Feb. 16
  • Parent/Player required meeting – Mon., Feb. 26, 6:30 p.m.

Please click the link below for more information. Please contact Coach Michael Theis with questions. His information is included in the link.

ALCS Spring Sports


Spring Sports Registration and Parent Meeting

From our athletic partners at ALCS:

Hello High School Students and Parents!


It’s kind of hard to believe, but it is time to begin thinking about High School Spring Sports. Here are the Sports that our athletes can participate in this Spring, along with a couple other details. Team Meetings and Game/Meet/Invite schedules will be forthcoming.

  • The deadline for registration is Fri., Feb. 16
  • Parent/Player required meeting – Mon., Feb. 26, 6:30 p.m.

Please click the link below for more information. Please contact Coach Michael Theis with questions. His information is included in the link.

ALCS Spring Sports


The JV season concludes on Thursday (2/15) with 2 JV games played simultaneously at Memorial (Madison). Attached is a handout from Memorial with information regarding livestreams, admissions, parking, etc. Varsity will attend the JV games and support teammates in lieu of practice on 2/15. No transportation provided for ALCS or St. Ambrose girls due to proximity.

  • ALCS Varsity Reserve (VR) vs. Memorial JV
  • ALCS JV vs. Memorial freshmen team

Memorial High School

Per the TeamLinkt email from Coach Zwettler on 1/23/2024: “Parents, tomorrow will be picture day. I have told the players that they need to bring all of their uniforms because I am not sure what they will wear for the picture. We will also do Senior pictures so we can make the Senior posters to hang at St. Maria Goretti for the rest of teh season to honor the seniors!!


Thank you to Athena Lyons for helping set this up!!

Thank you”

Invite Priests & Religious to P.A.R.T.Y. Night

We need you your help! Invite your priests and any religious you know to join you at our Priest and Religious Thank You Night (aka P.A.R.T.Y. Night!) at the Monday, February 5 Boys’ Basketball Home game. Bishop Hying will be there!


We always want to show our love and support for the priests and religious in our Diocese and this new tradition will be a fun way to bring the community together. All priests/religious will receive free admission and concessions, there’ll be an optional Priest vs. Priest and Sister vs. Sister game of Lightning at half-time, and there will be post-game cookies and milk for ALL.

Email the PDF invitation and make some personal invitations!


When: Mon., Feb. 5

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Where: St. Maria Goretti School

RSVP: email

Please plan on taking our team photo immediately after school at ALCS. ALCS girls can start with their individual pictures while St. Ambrose girls transport to ALCS. Girls can attend weight room or study hall after the photos and before our 5:30pm practice. Please wear your away jerseys: black uniform for varsity and red uniform for JV.

Per email from Scott Schmiesing on 1/7/2024:

“Parents and players

Due to the weather forecast for Tuesday night we are moving the game up to tomorrow night (Monday, 1/8/2024). The boys will meet in Ms. Meyer’s room after school at 3:30, and Coach will have sub sandwiches for the ride up to the game. The JV will play at 5:45 and the varsity at 7:15.

Mr. Schmiesing”

Update via TeamSnap email from Coach Renz on 1/11/2024: “The varsity crossover game vs. Pardeeville at Johnson Creek has been canceled due to expected inclement weather. We are working on rescheduling. Stay tuned.”


1/13 @ Johnson Creek High School, Trailways Conference Crossover Game